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Simple Steps to Create a One-Page Checkout with Bricks Builder

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How to Build a Single Page Checkout in Bricks Builder for WordPress

SureCart uses checkout forms, which are customizable templates for your checkout process. Each form you create is saved with a unique shortcode, making it easy to insert into any page in WordPress. This allows you to design a fully custom checkout page while keeping SureCartโ€™s powerful transaction features.

To set up your checkout, follow these three steps:

    • Create a Product โ€“ Set up your product in SureCart, including pricing and fulfillment options.
    • Create a New Checkout Form โ€“ Design a checkout form in SureCart, save it, and copy the generated shortcode.
    • Insert into a New Bricks Page โ€“ Paste the shortcode into a Bricks Builder container and customize the layout.

This will give you full control over the checkout so that it fits within your theme – while letting SureCart handle the backend transactions along with the form design,

Lesson Overview

Main Points

โˆš Install SureCart and set up store
โˆš Configure user roles for checkout
โˆš Create a new checkout form
โˆš Customize layout with block editor
โˆš Adjust columns, labels, and fields
โˆš Enable auto-fulfillment for downloads
โˆš Copy SureCart shortcode for checkout
โˆš Paste shortcode inside Bricks Builder
โˆš Style container for better layout
โˆš Test checkout and confirm setup

Lesson Resources

How to set up SureCart

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