Driving more traffic to your web site is important, but what lies beneath it all is good quality content. Maintaining good quality content ensures your business will remain stable and profitable over the long term. Your customers and visitors are on a simple mission. They want to find and learn about your product or service […]
Web optimization examples
I have a handful of websites that I actively maintain (see below). I specialize in web site search optimization and web site content. I focus on making sure that web sites are *simple, easy to read and navigate for the site visitor*. Additionally I make sure these _web sites rank well on the first page_. […]
What do Page Rank and Links have in common?
The simple answer is everything! The site organization and content of your each and every page within your domain play a vital role in how your website is spidered and ranked. Top Level / Category Themes A top level theme is typically your primary subject matter or the “Main Category” of the site. This top […]
Replace your website with Wordpress
Don’t just start blogging …. replace your website with a blog! Recently, I started experimenting with weblog software and various blog editors. I ended up converting my existing website into a weblog powered with Wordpress. The Wordpress blog editor allows you to publish and maintain websites via a web-based interface. Recent articles (also called entries […]
SEO Elite is no sweat SEO
title=Improve search engine rankings with SEO Elite
descript=SEO Elite and improving search engine rankings tool